Icings of the Indigirka river basin according to the recent Landsat satellite images and historical data

Список источников

Makarieva О.M., Shikhov A.N., Ostashov A.A., Nesterova N.V. Icings of the Indigirka river basin according to the recent Landsat satellite images and historical data. Ice and Snow. 2019. Vol. 59(2). PP. 201‒212. (In Russian).

Ссылка на статью: https://ice-snow.igras.ru/jour/article/view/561/314

Другая информация

  • Авторы: Makarieva О.M., Shikhov A.N., Ostashov A.A., Nesterova N.V.
  • Год публикации: 2019