Using GIS-technologies in studying landslip processes at the reservoir banks
V.G.Kalinin, N.N.Nazarov, S.V.Pyankov |
2004 |
Geoinformation technologies in hydrologic studies
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov |
2004 |
Level regime effects on the conditions of wintering and reproduction of hydrocoles of Kama reservoirs
S.V.Pyankov, V.G.Kalinin |
2003 |
Informational and educational site of the GIS Center of Perm State University
S.V.Pyankov |
2003 |
Creation of a subsystem hydro-economic system and facility monitoring within the framework of the state system of environmental monitoring of Perm Oblast on the basis of GIS
Yu.N.ShavninaS.V.Pyankov |
2003 |
Accomplishing tasks of design engineering
S.V.Pyankov, S.V.Rusakov |
2003 |
Transformation and influx of kinetic energy under the influence of vortex formed in cyclones
E.M.Sviyazov, E.G.Rubtsova |
2003 |
Study of generation of available potential energy in the global forecast model of the Hydrometeorology Center of Russia
N.A.Kalinin, A.L.Vetrov, E.M.Sviyazov |
2003 |
Assessment of recoverability of water temperature observation series for the calculation of heat reserve
K.D.Mikova |
2003 |
On the accuracy of the calculation of heat reserve at the Votkinsk Reservoir during autumn period
K.D.Mikova |
2003 |
Geo-ecological zoning and assessment of man-caused and natural risks of emergencies using GIS-technologies in the territory of Perm Oblast
.S.Kopylov, V.V.Mikhalev, S.V.Pyankov and others |
2003 |
Study of specifics of suffocation phenomena at reservoirs using GIS-technologies
Yu.P.Fisyuk, S.V.Pyankov, V.G.Kalinin |
2003 |
Using GIS-technologies in the inventory of green plantations (by the example of the city of Perm)
O.S.Sergeeva, S.V.Pyankov, E.B.Soboleva |
2002 |
Digital model of the Kama Reservoir
S.V.Pyankov, V.G.Kalinin |
2002 |
On making the hydrological GIS “Kama Cascade Reservoirs”
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov |
2002 |
On the accuracy of determining morphometric characteristics of reservoirs
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov |
2002 |
Using hydro-geographic characteristics of rivers and river basins in hydrologic design
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov |
2002 |
Writing and presenting term, graduate and degree papers
N.A.Kalinin, E.M.Sviyazov, A.A.Smirnova, N.I.Tolmacheva |
2002 |
Monitoring of hydro-economic facilities using GIS-technologies (by the example of the pond in Nozhovka village of Chastinsky region of Perm Oblast)
S.V.Pyankov, Yu.N.Shavnina |
2002 |
Formation of autumn ice phenomena at the Votkinsk Reservoir
V.G.Kalinin, K.D.Mikova |
2002 |
On new approaches in determining hydrographic characteristics and the role thereof in runoff routing
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov |
2002 |
Hydrologic geoinformation system “Votkinsk reservoir Basin”
V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov. |
2002 |
Experience of making a digital model of the reservoir bottom (by the example of the Kama reservoir)
S.V.Pyankov V.G.Kalinin |
2002 |
Autoregulation of cyclone systems of temperate latitudes
E.M.Sviyazov |
2001 |