
Publication name Author Year
Website “The dangerous natural phenomena of the Perm krai” Pyankov S.V., Shavnina J.N., Shvalev V.N. 2007
Spatio-temporal analysis of the hydraulic structure system using GIS S.V.Pyankov, Yu.N.Shavnina 2007
Региональная геоинформационная система «Лесные ресурсы Пермского края» Пьянков С.В., Ступаков А.Н., Панин Е.В., Русаков В.С. 2007
Classification of the territory of Perm Krai by the level of risk of natural and man-caused emergency with environmental consequences A.V.Kopylov , S.V.Pyankov, V.V.Mikhalev, A.V.Konoplev. 2007
Assessment of environmental consequences of reservoir level recession using geoinformation modeling Yu.N.Shavnina N.G.Maksimo-vich, S.V.Pyankov, E.A.Voronchikhina 2007
Применение ГИС-технологий при паспортизации безопасности территории муниципальных образований по степени риска возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций техногенного характера Миков И. А. 2007
Register of waterworks facilities by the example of GIS “Hydraulic structures of Perm Krai” Yu.N.Shavnina S.V.Pyankov 2007
Application of geoinformation technologies in medicinal resources management A.Yu.Turyshev, A.B.Yakovlev, S.V.Pyankov, G.I.Oleshko 2007
Modeling of the reservoir drawdown storage and calculation of bottom sediment thickness. Shavnina Y.N., Pyankov S.V., Maksimov N.G. 2007
Study of hydrological regime of large reservoirs using geoinformation technologies (by the example of Kama reservoirs) V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov, I.K.Matskevich, K.D.Mikova 2007
Structure of the ice cover of the Votkinsk reservoir K.D.Mikova, V.G.Kalinin 2007
On the methods of assessment of ice regime element prediction K.D.Mikova, V.G.Kalinin 2006
Specifics of calculation of heat content in water of the Votkinsk Resrvoir during autumn period V.G.Kalinin, K.D.Mikova 2006
Исследование гидрологического режима крупных водохранилищ с использованием геоинформационных технологий (на примере камских) Калинин В.Г., Пьянков С.В., Мацкевич И.К., Микова К.Д. 2006
On Calculation of ice cover thickness of the Votkinsk Reservoir K.D.Mikova, V.G.Kalinin 2006
Hydrological GIS of reservoirs (by the example of the Kama cascade) I.K.Matskevich V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov 2006
Study of regularities of the increase of ice cover thickness of the Votkinsk Reservoir V.G.Kalinin, K.D.Mikova 2006
Scientific and methodological basis for making a regional hydrological GIS (by the example of the Votkinsk Reservoir basin) S.V.Pyankov 2006
On assessment of physio-static dependence in forecasting autumn ice phenomena at the Kama reservoirs V.G.Kalinin, K.D.Mikova 2006
Hydrological GIS of reservoirs and characteristic of the structure thereof V.G.Kalinin, S.V.Pyankov 2006
Declaration of safety of hydraulic structures in Perm Krai E.B.Soboleva, Yu.N.Shavnina 2006
GIS “Perm krai hydraulic structures” Shavnina Y.N. 2006
GIS “Hydraulic Structures in Perm Kray” for making administrative decisions on people protection from adverse effects of waters S.V.Pyankov, E.B.Soboleva, Yu.N.Shavnina 2006
Regularities of spring destruction of ice cover of the Votkinsk Reservoir V.G.Kalinin, K.D.Mikova 2006