Scientific technical grounds and development of the program “Prevention of waters ill effects and accident prevention at the hydroelectric power stations on the Perm Krai territory”

Short Description

Goals: Provide scientific technical and economic grounds for the package of the foreground measures aimed at protection of the coastal inhabited localities and economic objects from waters ill effects, promotion of exploitable waterworks safety of the Perm Krai ponds and reservoirs for the period till 2012. Development of the Krai target program “Prevention of waters ill effects and accident prevention at the hydroelectric power stations on the Perm Krai territory”.


  • Develop and support the package of the foreground measures aimed at protection of the coastal inhabited localities and economic objects from waters ill effects.
  • Develop and support the package of the foreground measures in order to ensure safety of exploitable waterworks of ponds and reservoirs.
  • Develop the block of scientific technical and technical-organizational safety provisions and restoration of water bodies, waters ill effects prevention and promotion safety of hydroelectric power stations of the ponds and reservoirs waterworks.
  • Form normative legal and economic mechanisms of state regulation in the sphere of water relationships and provision of the hydroelectric power stations safety.
  • Develop projects of the Conception and the Krai target program “Prevention of waters ill effects and accident prevention at the hydroelectric power stations on the Perm Krai territory”.


The supporting materials and project of the Krai target program “Prevention of waters ill effects and accident prevention at the hydroelectric power stations on the Perm Krai territory” will be used by Central administrative board of nature management and other Krai environmental bodies for organization and systematization of works providing state management of water resources and conservations of water bodies.

Other Information

  • Customer: Central administrative board of nature management of Perm Region
  • Deadline: 2006