Information support of state authorities in making decisions on ensuring safety of people; prevention and elimination of natural, man-caused and bio-social emergencies in the municipal unit ‘Vereschaginsky Municipal Region’.

Short Description

Goals: determine the emergency risk level indicators, assess probable consequences of emergencies, assess the work performed by the municipal authorities in preventing emergencies, develop emergency risk and consequences mitigation measures in the territory of the municipal unit, create a back-up fund of documentation for the Perm Krai RS of Emergency Situation.


  • Gather and analyze information to determine the danger level of the objects situated in the territory of the municipal unit;
  • Assess the general safety status of the territory of the municipal unit.
  • Make a description of the hazardous objects situated in the territory of the municipal unit.
  • Determine the risk indicators of man-caused emergencies.
  • Assess probable consequences of emergency.
  • Create an electronic database of hazardous objects.
  • Develop a location layout showing probable emergency consequences areas.
  • Make diagrams of social risk.
  • Create a back-up fund of the municipal formation documentation.


  • The emergency risk level indicators determined; emergency probable consequences assessed; social risk determined; emergency risk and consequences mitigation measures determined for the municipal unit territory.
  • Software created for identifying natural, man-caused and bio-social emergency risks and consequences.
  • Electronic documents developed to form the back-up fund package of Vereschaginsky Municipal Region documents and recorded on CD-R – an attribute database in *.DBF format of a set structure.

Other Information

  • Customer: Vereschaginsky Municipal Region Administration
  • Deadline: 2008