Creation and updating of computer database of the Perm Region forest fund state under the Regional Target Program “Development of the Perm Region timber industry complex for 2004-2010”

Short Description

Goals: Provide information and analytical support for the Department, Per Krai administration, local government municipal authorities, potential investors and forest users concerning the state of forest resources.


  • Create and update electronic data bancs of the Perm Krai forest fund: gather forest valuation and cartographic information about forest blocks and transportation component of the Perm Krai forest fund, and data of the settled estate leasers directly in the forestries (including forest reserve territories, etc.); update electronic data of the Perm Krai forest fund.
  • Create and update electronic digital maps subject layers and their attribute databases in compliance with electronic data of the Perm Krai forest fund.
  • Upgrade the software product “Perm Krai Timber Source” (2005) aimed at processing electronic data banc and digital maps electronic subject layers of forest fund, with the possibility of its application analysis including commodity pattern and assortment plantations structure, automatic use of all e-maps subject layers concerning forest resources and forest fund transportation component, and their graphic representation.


  • Electronic database of Perm Krai forest fund in dbf and mdb formats.
  • GIS-projects of the forest fund subject layers with shp-coverage in ArcView v.3.2. and ArcGis v.9.x. formats as provided by Russian State Standard P 52155-2003.
  • Software product “Perm Krai Timber Source”.

Other Information

  • Customer: Industrial and Nature Management Department of Perm Region
  • Deadline: 2006