Assessment of the bank transformation condition of the Kamskoye, Votkinskoye and Nizhnekamskoye reservoirs

Short Description

Goals: Assess the degree of susceptibility of the inhabited localities and socio-economic objects coastal zones to the influence of exogenous geological processes in compliance with application.


  • Create the complex monitoring system on the basis of GIS technologies as a means of geodynamical situation control.
  • Survey and monitor the current condition of the hydraulic works of the Kamskiy coordinated system of hydroelectric power stations..
  • Decipher the airborne surveys done in different years.
  • Analyze the state and assess the influence of exogenous geological processes.
  • Provide the forecasting materials for the most vulnerable localities in an effort to effectively develop bank protection measures.
  • Design complex survey methods for dangerous geological processes in order to assess socioeconomic damage on urbanized territories.
  • Support the methods of selecting engineering protection schemes of the coastal zones.
  • Assess the natural risk and determine their development boundaries.


Support materials of the methods of selecting engineering protection schemes of the coastal zones and the target program project “Assessment of the bank transformation condition of the Kamskoye, Votkinskoye and Nizhnekamskoye reservoirs” (under the liability of The Kama-river basin water administration) will be used by Federal state institution “Kamvodekspluatatsiya” for the works organization and systematization.

Other Information

  • Customer: Federal state institution “Kamvodekspluatatsiya”
  • Deadline: 2006